Assalamu Alaikum, I believe that considering a method of implementing a personalised spaced repetition algorithm with the help of AI would be extremely beneficial to all students of Hifdh. For example, being able to create a session (e.g 1 page or a quarter Juz) and being tested by the AI. Based on your performance it will suggest a next review date. This should be separate from the regular AI that tests you. For example, if I were to practice x page and eventually get to a level where I feel confident, I should be able to choose an AI that tests me for the purpose of long term memorisation. Based on my performance, the next review date may be in two days. If I read with no mistakes on that day, the algorithm would calculate when the next most optimal day would be in respect to all the other Hifdh you are doing. (This is also why the conventional method of spaced repetition is difficult with large amounts of information as the sheer volume can become overwhelming)