Real-Time Audio Correction for Mistakes (التصحيح الصوتي الفوري للأخطاء)
Mohanad E
This feature is created to consolidate all similar requests asking for the following:
Allow the app to recite the word in the correct form when a user makes a mistake. So instead of the pronunciation being written in Green, audio can be played to hear the right recitation accordingly.
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Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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الفتح على القارئ بالكلمة أو الآية الصحيحة صوتيا عن الحطأ
نحتاج خاصية الفتح على القارئ صوتيا بتصحيح الخطأ الذي وقع فيه أثناء التلاوة في الصلاة مثلا حيث أن هذه الخاصية تفيد من يصلي بالقرآن وحده ويقع في خطأ ويريد من يفتح عليه مباشرة بدل من النظر في المصحف بحثا عن التكملة الصحيحة للقراءة
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Audio Recitation Correction
Mohanad E
This feature is created to consolidate all similar requests asking for the following:
Allow the app to recite the word in the correct form when a user makes a mistake. So instead of the pronunciation being written in Green, audio can be played to hear the right recitation accordingly.
فكرة ممتازة
نعم صحيح والله
This would be great addition for handsfree usage while driving or walking
ميزة جميلة لو توفرت في ترتيل.
صحيح نفس ما حصل اضطر افتح المصحف عشان اشوف الكلمة لان ما ودي اشوف الاية كاملة
Also why was the option to stay on the mistaken word highlighted and not to continue until corrected was removed (would be great to have it back)
Will be great to have a the audio for a specifc word the user highlights, and if possible to make some automation so the AI will trigger the audio if i failed the word 3+/5+ times (if that can be a user defined option under settings), also if possible to add the option to make the word colour turn green to indicate the reader got it right, doesn't make sense to keep it red after I corrected it.
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