One-Time Lifetime Payment (دفع لمرة واحدة لمدى الحياة)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. بسم الله ما شاء الله تبارك الله.. برنامج أكثر من رائع وأكثر من ممتاز. جزاكم الله خيرا.
لكن لي عتب عليكم أنا أرجو المشاركة في الأجر ولكن لا أحب فكرة الدفع كل شهر لو هنا مثلا 30£ أو 40£ جنيه إشتراك مدي الحياة ويجوز الشراء للغير علي المنصات المختلفة يكون رائع ومناسب للمشتري. أرجو إعتبار مقترحي وأن أساهم معكم في نشر هذا العمل الرائع.
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Mohamed Moussa
For a limited time to celebrate Eid we are making available a 3 year Tarteel Premium gift card with an additional 15% discount. You can purchase it for yourself or others here:
الرجاء جعل الاشتراك مرة واحدة مدى الحياة
"We want a lifetime subscription so that the reward and blessings are abundant and to reduce the effort of renewing the subscription every time
Can one of the mods either delete this post and support my request the feature. (To create three subscription services instead of two for more affordability) like the lesser one can have mistake detection but not saved recordings over the cloud and instead have an option to save to device etc.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Lifetime subscription with a one-time payment or include mistake detection in free plan
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
There are lot of students or people who can't afford 13 euros per month. It would be helpful if you can come up with a one time payment for a lifetime subscription or if you include mistake detection in free plan so that people who can't afford this but have intention of memorizing the Qur'an. بارك الله فيكم
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Lifetime subscription
Alsalam alaikum
We want a life time purchase rather than year.y based one. It’s more convenient for us who don’t have an income.
Thank you for this great app jzakum allah khair
Thank you
But, If you make one-time lifetime purchase, Tarteel wouldn’t be able to make enough money for future updates and sadatul jaariyah on your behalf (in the month of Ramadan).
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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One time payment option.
May Allah reward the entire team for the effort you guy put in. Aameen
Kindly consider a one time payment option to purchase the premium version. This can also be helpful in gifting the subscription to your loved ones.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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I don't like the idea of paying in instalments or MONTHLY because I may not have money in the future for it. Pls can you just update it so that I can have it for LIFETIME. Even if it's 300£ I would pay it knowing that it's free for life. The prophet SAW would usually do business in this way anyway, when he would sell products it would usually be in a buy now sort of way. I may not be 100% accurate AllahuAlam but it's just easier to have a lifetime thing
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Lifetime payment
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته
ماشاء الله البرنامج هذا ساعدني كثير خلال كم اسبوع و جزاكم الله خيرا
لكن لا يمكن لي ان ادفع المبلغ او الميزانية و اريد ان اكمل مع هذا البرنامج
ارجو ان تخفضو المبلغ او تعطى ل الشخص خيارا اذا لم يمكن الدفع
Mohamed Moussa
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One-time purchase
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wa Barakatu
Make it possible to make a one-time purchase on a premium subscription.
Thanks for everything
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