Spaced Repetition & Spot Hifdh Testing (التكرار المتباعد واختبارات حفظ محددة)
Siam Khan
Assalamu Alaikum,
I believe that considering a method of implementing a personalised spaced repetition algorithm with the help of AI would be extremely beneficial to all students of Hifdh.
For example, being able to create a session (e.g 1 page or a quarter Juz) and being tested by the AI. Based on your performance it will suggest a next review date. This should be separate from the regular AI that tests you.
For example, if I were to practice x page and eventually get to a level where I feel confident, I should be able to choose an AI that tests me for the purpose of long term memorisation. Based on my performance, the next review date may be in two days. If I read with no mistakes on that day, the algorithm would calculate when the next most optimal day would be in respect to all the other Hifdh you are doing. (This is also why the conventional method of spaced repetition is difficult with large amounts of information as the sheer volume can become overwhelming)
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Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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السبر لاختبار الحفظ
نتمنى أن يكون هناك خاصية السبر لاختبار المحفوظ و وضع علامة على هذا السبر بعد إنهاءه (تقييمه)
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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هل يمكنكم إضافة بعض الإختبارات حيث البرنامج يعطيك آية ويجب عليك إكمال السورة من حفظك ولكن مع تصحيح أخطائك في نفس الوقت؟
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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خاصيه تسميع بآيات عشوائيه من أجزاء من السور
هل من الممكن اضافه خاصيه للتسميع بتحديد عدد من السور و يتم تحديد بدايه الآيات
بشكل عشوائى للبدء منها من خلال الابلكيشين كما هو الحال مع المحفظ من الشيوخ للتثبيت
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Test/Exam feature
In test/exam mode, the app recites a random ayah(we can choose between which juzu we want to be tested on) and asks us to continue from that point(for a few ayah more).
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Random Ayah Testing for Hifdh Competition Preparation
Tarteel could include a feature where the app displays or recites only the first few words of an Ayah, prompting the user to continue reciting the rest from memory. This feature would be especially useful for Hifdh students and those preparing for Quran memorization competitions
It could include:
• Users can set the range of Ayahs or Surahs they will be tested on.
• The app provides the first few words of a randomly selected Ayah in the range.
• Users recite the continuation, and the app takes out mistakes
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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عمل اختبارات قصيرة
عمل اختبارات سواء في المتشابهات أو في السور نفسها كل سورة على حدة بحيث البرنامج يعطي بداية الآية ثم يضغط المستخدم زر تلاوة ويبدأ بالقراءة من الآية التي تظهر له
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Hifdth spot testing but gamified mode. Against friend s and those with the app.
Upvoting! "Space repetition" algorithms implementation for memory revision, please team, barakallah feekum!! Examples of apps implementing such include Anki, Mnemosyne, Supermemo.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Daily questions
I prepare myself for competitons, of there was an way of like having tests and questions asked to me automatically, and then i recite like a page and it gives me a score at the end and a chart of the different exams i take.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Test format
It would be nice to have a random ayah generator to prepare for a juz exam. For example, you choose a surah/ juz, the random ayah generator reveals a random ayah within the chosen verses, you then have to continue reciting from that point, like they do in Qur’aan competitions. Hope that makes sense inshaa Allah. فتح الله عليكم
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