Daily Streak Reminders & Notifications (تذكيرات وإشعارات لسلسلة الإنجازات اليومية)
As there is a daily streak feature, maybe notifications that can be enabled as a reminder 12h then 6h before daily streak ends etc... to remind a person to pray.
A person could also customise the reminder at their own time, eg 7am everyday.
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Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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إشعارات ذكية للمراجعة
اقترح أن تكون هذه الاشعارات للمراجعة مبنية على الذكاء الاصطناعي بحيث يحلل نتائج جلسات التسميع وعدد الأيام التي مضت على أي صفحة تم تسميعها حتى نتعهد القرآن الكريم ولا يتفلت منا أبدا بعون الله تعالى
ويتم عمل جدول يومي بناء على هذه التحليلات يقترح مراجعة صفحات معينة او سور كان تسميعها ضعيفا او مر عليه مدة زمنية طويلة
وهذه الطريقة فيها محاكاة لطريقة الشيخ المحفظ إلى حد ما.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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What happened to the daily notifications?
Before when ‘Goals’ was called ‘Challenges” or something similar ( I don’t remember exactly), it would notify you daily at a time of your choosing. This was really good for self accountability because you can’t ignore the notifications forever. I’m consistent Alhamdulillah but don’t get my portion completed every day. This would help give me that little nudge and set a structure schedule for revision.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Reminder notifications
InshAllah, if you can make an option to be notified at a certain time you set to complete one of your goals or something along this line. As of right now based on what I know there aren’t any notification options so any notification reminders would be really appreciated.
Yasemeen Abdul-Majeed
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Notification Badge - Streak
It would be nice if you allow users to use the notification badge with this app to show their current streak. I know that would motivate me. On a more complex level, the number could be set up in settings to represent one of a number of different things: the remaining time (in minutes) one plans to recite for the day, the number of mistakes from the last session, the number of the surah the app closed on, etc.
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